jueves, diciembre 20, 2012

NoSQLUnit 0.7.1 Released

NoSQLUnit is a JUnit extension to make writing unit and integration tests of systems that use NoSQL backend easier. Visit official page for more information.

In 0.7.1 release:
  • One new NoSQL system is supported and is CouchDB
  • JUnit version has been upgraded to 4.11. Now using @Inject does not require to pass this reference.
  • Business objects do not contain any dependency to JUnit classes. This is the first step to integration to Arquillian Framework.
  • Now we can test sharding and master/slave replication of Redis servers.
  • Bug fixing.
In next version of NoSQLUnit support for Infinispan, adding class capabilities for testing sharding and master/slave replication in MongoDB and bug fixes will be provided.

We keep learning,

Como una sonrisa, eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú. (Eres Tú - Mocedades)

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